Installation guidelines


I feel so stupid but I don’t know how to start.
From GitHub - hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix: Controlling up to three chains of 64x64, 32x32, 16x32 or similar RGB LED displays using Raspberry Pi GPIO I am totally lost in the documentation, jumping from one link to another without finding the way to start.
So my here is my very a basic question
What should I do / install to start some RGB demos after installation of the Raspberry Lite image?

I have currently a HAT-A3 from ans a Raspberry PI2 and PI1 A
Thanks in advance
I am not totally dummy and I am familiar with C++ compilation and development on arduino and raspberry alike platforms,
Thanks in advance,

Is this the way to go:

  1. Get from github
  2. Unzip the files
  3. Copy it for instance to the Pi $HOME directory
  4. Run make
  5. Go to examples-api-use directory
  6. To test, for instance sudo ./demo


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Yes, that process will work. You can also use git clone to copy the files which can make getting updates easier.

The other thing is to make sure your LED panel is compatible.

Yes another good question, I did order a LED matrix panel for test from China.
There are so many different model that its quite difficult to understand which one is the good one, the only compatibility info I have is :
Does it means something … standard

As a relative noob to led panels, I haven’t found a good method of discerning what panels are compatible. The key are the driver chips used on the back of the panel. When you get your panel and have it hooked up per the github readme instructions, the only thing to do is try the different configuration options and see what works. The higher resolution panels (i.e.p2) seem to be the hardest to get working.

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This presentation helped me get going…

I can confirm that these 64*64 led panels from AliExpress work
Note if you are using the adafruit bonnet you have to slightly modify it to link the E and 8 pads with a blob of solder - see Driving Matrices | Adafruit RGB Matrix Bonnet for Raspberry Pi | Adafruit Learning System