Help using rpi-rgb-led-matrix/examples-api-use/image-example


I am looking for help/guidelines to do the following.

On one part of my Matrix panel, I would like to display one picture in a well-defined zone.
(see snapshot)

This picture is already tailored with the appropriated pixels (using with a width of 110 pixels and height of 90 pixels, which fits my matrix panel of 128(w) *192(h) panel.
The file is saved as a “.png” one.

Trying the rpi-rgb-led-matrix/utils/led-image-viewer or the rpi-rgb-led-matrix/examples-api-use/image-example, with this file, nothing happens.

I read that these examples use “imagemagick,” but before I go to install and test this application to have a better understanding of the needs and the results, I have some basic questions (others will probably follow…)

  1. Is what I want to do realistic?
  2. What type of image file (and structure ) do I have to give as a parameter to the rpi-rgb-led-matrix/utils/led-image-viewer

Thanks in advance