hello everyone
I need help please
I want to control a DFROBOT RGB LED Matrix by a raspberry pi 3 b+ .
I have executed:
/examples-api-use $ sudo ./demo -D 0 --led-no-hardware-pulse --led-gpio-mapping=regular
I get:
Size: 32x32. Hardware gpio mapping: regular
Press to exit and reset LEDs
but the matrix does not light up !!!
Have you had a look at Really noob question - #6 by Xenonbright and the mapping?
Hi marcmerlin
Thank you for your reply, I solved the problem,
The problem was in connection between the matrix and the pi ( Wiring).
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Hi, can you let me know exactly how do you wire the DFROBOT with the Raspberry, i want to use GPIO… i have 16x32 Matrix.
Thanks in advance