128x64 matrix devided into 4 layers and overlapped


I purchased two 128x64 LED and connected with RPI 4 via RGB LED Matrix Panel Drive Board.
Driver board: RGB LED Matrix Panel Drive Board For Raspberry Pi - ElectroDragon
LED: https://ko.aliexpress.com/item/4001321148041.html?pdp_npi=3%40dis!USD!!US%20%2410.96!!!!!%40213bdb8b17104908706991936ecf39!10000015706781791!im!!&gatewayAdapt=glo2kor

I worked out with the code and run the demo and the result is:

KakaoTalk_20240403_144527772-ezgif.com-video-to-gif-converter (1)

it seems that the screen deviced into 4 sections and 1st and 3rd are overlapped on 2nd and 4th.

I tried all the parameter combination for the ./demo -D0.
could you give me some guide line?

I found the solution from the search of this forum.
It was setting up the E address line to enable.

on the breakout board, there’s jumpers for this specific purpose.
So , I connected the E line to pin 8 and GND to pin 4.
then it works great!!

Thanks a lot hzeller!!!
your code is great and save me a lot of time.