Struggleing to use my rgb panel

Hello there!

My panel only brink randomly… What did I do wrong?
I have 2 by 2 panel and one panel has 20 by 40 pixel. (Right now I only want to use the top half)
what I run is: sudo examples-api-use/demo -D0 --led-cols 40 --led-rows 20 --led-chain 2
Thank you! :slight_smile:

If you have a rPi4, did you look at Noob Question/Help - #3 by marcmerlin ?

yes I have an rp4 I tried slow gpio, but I am not sure if all the numbers.
Let me check

I trided it, but not much luck. The behivior is changed, but it still doesnt make sence to me. Its D0 and D4 what you can see on the video

sorry I forgot to tag you :slight_smile:
@ marcmerlin

sorry, I’m not sure, so many panels, so many ways they can not work.
Maybe you can try other libraries or hardware solutions, but basically you can’t just buy any random panel and expect that it’ll work.

All right thank you :slight_smile:
To be honest I didn’t find any other python library for raspberry.

you don’t need a python library, any library on any hardware to see if at least they will light up correctly or if they are wired in a totally weird/wrong way.

I found it. The winner setting was:
–led-rows=20 --led-cols=40 --led-chain=2 --led-multiplexing=10 --led-row-addr-type=4 --led-slowdown-gpio=4

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