RPi4 + Adafruit HAT driving LED ABC addressed type panel

Hope you guys can help.

I have a number of P10 SMD Full Color LED Display Module 320*160MM , P10 Outdoor RGB SMD LED Modules

Chips are FM6124.

It looks like it splits the panel into rows of 5 but is offset by one row and the columns into 2.

I believe I’ve tried all options on both ./demo and runtext.py sample demo’s.
Probably haven’t got the right arguments together at the right time. But I’ve been at for over a week and want to make sure it’s not insurmountable with these panels. I’ve tried all --led-multiplex types and may combinations. This is the best output.

$sudo python3 runtext.py -r 20 --led-cols=40 -m=“adafruit-hat” --text"TTTT TTTT" --led-slowdown-gpio=4 -l-led-row-addr-type=3

Gives me this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w05DryeHRJc

sudo ./demo -D 0 --led-rows=20 --led-cols=40

Gives me - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LithEANyd6k

sudo ./demo -D 4 --led-rows=20 --led-cols=40

Gives me - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fxdi5rsk1O8

Also hard wired the Pi without the HAT and got pretty much the same results.

Hi Struds !
As your screen is P10 and 320x160mm this mean that you should use --led-rows=16 --led-cols=32.
Then try with one screen to determine the best multiplexing for your type of screen : --led-multiplexing=7 for example.
And finally add your chain parameter --led-chain=6 --led-parallel=3 for example.

Follow these steps and it should work. :wink:

Thanks for replying, I thought I had tried those parameters even though the panel is a P8 20x40, so I tried them again with all the multiplexing options.

I started with 2 panels and am now down to one for testing purposes.

Sorry somehow I got the wrong link to the board in the original post, it is a P8

When I run this

sudo python3 runtext.py --text=“ready” --led-rows=32 --led-cols=16 --led-multiplexing=7 --led-no-hardware-pulse=none --led-gpio-mapping=adafruit-hat --led-row-addr-type=3

I get -----
Error in PixelMapper: (0, 0) → (71, 0) [range: 64x8]
Error in PixelMapper: (1, 0) → (70, 0) [range: 64x8]
Error in PixelMapper: (2, 0) → (69, 0) [range: 64x8]
Error in PixelMapper: (3, 0) → (68, 0) [range: 64x8]
Error in PixelMapper: (4, 0) → (67, 0) [range: 64x8]
Error in PixelMapper: (5, 0) → (66, 0) [range: 64x8]

When I try
Rows=20 and Cols=40
I get two lines in the middle of the rows…

I really think I’ve tried most, if not all options. I worry that with so many trys I’ve missed the right combination.

Is there a parameter for the scan rate?
I have tested the panel with Xlights and FPP. The test patterns are OK. I will try some text to it in a sequence.

I’ve never tried this panel before. :sweat_smile:
If you try only with this:
sudo python3 runtext.py --text=“ready” --led-rows=20 --led-cols=40 --led-gpio-mapping=adafruit-hat --led-multiplexing=xx

Then change the multiplexing to try each one.
With that you can’t find one that work ? At least on some lines ?

If not you can use pixel-mover to determine your multiplexing and have a better understanding of how work your panel.
After this you will be able to know if you need to adapt the address parameter.

To conclude, do not worry! Sometimes it sucks so just go out and take a deep breathe.
Panel working principle is the same for all sizes and shapes. You may have to adapt the lib for your own case, but be sure that we will find a solution to make your project work. :muscle:

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I’ve done that as well, tried them all from 0-17 over the last week. None get close except for my first post. I’ve slowed the GPIO pins down as well as I have a Pi4.

I’ve taken lots of breaths and counted to 10 many times. I’ll go again this morning with a fresh look.

I have 32x16 white panels as well, I tried the same with them with no luck. They only have the AB addressing so have tried a few options. Will go again today.

Do you or anyone else know of some code specifically for single colour panels?

I took off the Adafruit hat and hardwired the GPIO pins to the panel with pretty much the same results.

Thanks for your help. It really is much appreciated. I’ll post an update of how I go.