Hello, I have some problems getting the aforementioned panel to work, I am using a Raspberry Pi 4 model B, and using dupont cables to give the data to the HUB75 on the panel. I can’t really get the panel to work for two reasons I belive. One the datasheet which is for a similar qiangli product mentions a different pinout then the one on the panel’s back. I used to multimeter to at least get an idea about the grounds and the one on the panels back seems like the one, but it has no pin labeled as Clock, it has a DIN pin, which I have no clue what it does. Two, since I am not using an adafruit hat, I am using the regular hardware layout mentioned in the readme, but the one in the table and the one before it (the one with the smilies) have different gpio pins for the same functions. Any help would be appriciated. I have photos of the panel’s back If more information is needed. Thanks in advance!
Please show that photo
my phones camera had issues so I created a table with the HUB75 pinout, I reckon that the S supposed to be a CLK and the L the LATCH since storbe and latch at the same time wouldnt make any sense.
so many panels and so many ways to make things different, often for no good reason
If you want to try “weird” panels, I suggest you try this lib that supports more of them: GitHub - 2dom/PxMatrix: Adafruit GFX compatible graphics driver for LED matrix panels
Unfortunately, the HUB75 pinout is not what I hoped to see.
I need a clean photo of the panel to read a text and labels om panel.
Thanks, I’ll check it out!
Thank you for the image.
According to the paper label on the panel, it equipped with a SM16169 driver. I don’t have my own experience with this IC, but google says that it is a PWM type driver, unsupported by the library.
Thanks for the help, it’s greatly appreciated!