Mapping led panel

Hi I have a panel that cannot be used with the library and I came to the conclusion that it is because the mapping of LEDs is different from those configured in it. Previously I used identical panels but with the addresses A,B,C and D and these new panels only have A,B and C. I was also able to control them with a NovaStar controller but my goal is to do it with an RPI4.
Through this board I was able to obtain this following images

in which you can see the mapping of the LEDs.

My question is, how do I map the leds correctly to be able to use these panels with the library?

have you looked at Sigh, new panels: ABC with fm6126A (128x64) · Issue #823 · hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix · GitHub ?

Hi, I have the ABC 128x64 panel and I try to run it with the NovaStar sender. I am looking for a .rcgfx configuration for such a panel or similar. I’m trying to set it myself but I have a problem with the image, the manufacturer of the panels has no specifications and I’m stuck. If you have a configuration file or other information about the ABC setting in Novalct, I’d appreciate it. Best regards.