I have been putting together a copuple of small panels for DJs to exclusively display video.
While I had made a single panel video demo years ago, using the “Quick hack based on ffmpeg” video-viewer code I dusted it off and found it doesn’t run or I forgot the launch sequence, with my limited, perhaps diminishing lenux skills I’m finding it a challenge.
The End user (DJs) should not be expected to “program” their sequences. A friendly user interface with option menus, etc. could broaden the user-base. I have been Trans-codeing MP3 files to the display matrix size to minimize artifacts. A Pre-size video utility in this proposed interface would be a nic addition. (I user the free bare bones Avidmux to resize)
An example simpler - cheaper system with a decent interface phone app. by the big time video wall board maker Huidu, these tiny retail store display class boards come in 1, 2 and 3 string connectors handling 320X64, 768x64 and 768X128 low color res pixels, they cost roughly $8, $12 and $20 (There’s a super cheap first time customer sale ending today ?https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803863702898.html)
The support App and the ease of configuring content Is The Point: Android app "LED Art " has a multi-zone screen designer where you can mix different animated text, GIFs and real time clock display.
It has a lengthy menu of panel definitions one can try out on your panel, I find it a time save for identifying the configuration required on a Pi. (There is also a windows app available for the boards)
A couple examples of packaging Linux code in a more user friendy interface that I have worked with are music gadgets that wrap a collection of open source Linux plug-ins in a user interface running, distributed in a system image for the ras-pi , they include Zynthian and Mod-duo.
Between the growing pixel densities available in single panels or small arrays, and flexible boards for an additional $10-$15 that support a new level of artistic installations, there may be a growing number of more amateur, artistic types who need more of a helping hand.
Sorry to be so aimless and rambling