High Level User Feiendly App interface needed

I have been putting together a copuple of small panels for DJs to exclusively display video.

While I had made a single panel video demo years ago, using the “Quick hack based on ffmpeg” video-viewer code I dusted it off and found it doesn’t run or I forgot the launch sequence, with my limited, perhaps diminishing lenux skills I’m finding it a challenge.

The End user (DJs) should not be expected to “program” their sequences. A friendly user interface with option menus, etc. could broaden the user-base. I have been Trans-codeing MP3 files to the display matrix size to minimize artifacts. A Pre-size video utility in this proposed interface would be a nic addition. (I user the free bare bones Avidmux to resize)

An example simpler - cheaper system with a decent interface phone app. by the big time video wall board maker Huidu, these tiny retail store display class boards come in 1, 2 and 3 string connectors handling 320X64, 768x64 and 768X128 low color res pixels, they cost roughly $8, $12 and $20 (There’s a super cheap first time customer sale ending today ?https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803863702898.html)

The support App and the ease of configuring content Is The Point: Android app "LED Art " has a multi-zone screen designer where you can mix different animated text, GIFs and real time clock display.
It has a lengthy menu of panel definitions one can try out on your panel, I find it a time save for identifying the configuration required on a Pi. (There is also a windows app available for the boards)

A couple examples of packaging Linux code in a more user friendy interface that I have worked with are music gadgets that wrap a collection of open source Linux plug-ins in a user interface running, distributed in a system image for the ras-pi , they include Zynthian and Mod-duo.

Between the growing pixel densities available in single panels or small arrays, and flexible boards for an additional $10-$15 that support a new level of artistic installations, there may be a growing number of more amateur, artistic types who need more of a helping hand.

Sorry to be so aimless and rambling

Some other user friendly Zeller code interfaces prospects.

xlights org a sophisticated open source Xmas light show manager, mainly working with WS2812 “smart LED” strings. Some installations also have hub75 panels, perhaps a stronger Henner Zeller code to Xlights interface can be devised, with a configurator resembling this receiver board’s setup app.

Here’s and example of a pro receiver board being interfaced to Xlights.
" How to control P5 Panels from FPP and xLights" with 128X64 res video.

video-viewer code docs mention “the flaschen-taschen server” for VLC media. There is an Android Video stream interface standard I see used to project the phone image on video projector, this might be another video transmission protocol to support. It appears to involve a “Chromecast receiver”

thepi io has an article
How to use your Raspberry Pi as a Chromecast alternative

Here’s a second video going into excruciating detail on setting up receiver board
He talks for 30 minutes without mentioning coding, the time is mainly spent discussion the LEDvision software, provided by the board maker. Again filling in forms is a bit more idiot proof than changing numbers in lines of C code.
These are the sort of “receiver” boards are included in those 1 meter square video wall building block modules, usd in large screens costing thousands of dollars and watts.
That particular (FPA?) board handles up to 512X512 or 1024X256 pixels, costing around $30.
“Colorlight 5A-75B Panel Controller Tutorial with LEDvision, FPP & Xlights” (Falcon FPP appears to be all smart LED string drivers)

yes, it’s an FPGA board.
See also GitHub - lucysrausch/colorlight-led-cube: 64x64 LED Cube based on the Colorlight 5a-75B LED driver board.
and GitHub - q3k/chubby75: Linsn RV901T HUB75 LED "Receiver Card" Reverse Engineering