Flicker when display Video with rpi3B and 288x128

I’m using 18 x LED P5 panels (64x32 - from china) - Pi3 install Dietpi and trying to display an video with command: ./video-viewer --led-rows=32 --led-cols=64 --led-chain=9 --led-parallel=2 --led-slowdown-gpio=4 --led-pixel-mapper=“V-mapper;Rotate:270” --led-multiplexing=1 --led-pwm-bits=6 --led-limit-refresh=120 /video/myvideo.mp4, and I get some flicker. I see refresh rate too slow: 40-70Hz
I already try some solution to resolve flicker issue like: --led-slowdown-gpio=2,3; isolcpus=3; -O/tmp/vid.stream but refresh rate still too slow (<100 Hz).

Thank you so much for any help that you have.

I think led-chain is too long.
I recommand that you use P3, so --led-parallel=3, --led-chain=6.
The longer the Daisy chain, the lower the refresh rate.

rPi4 and rPi3 gave me close enough to the same performance for 384x256, I can push it to 384x320 but after that the refresh rate will be too low.
Things that will help with refresh rate:
–led-pwm-dither-bits=1 (2 is dimmer and faster)