ESP32 for remote 96x96 with flaschen-taschen?

Hey guys,

I’m working on a project which will involve remote displays potentially a significant distance away from the nearest host PC, and we’re looking at options for getting video from a computer to the rpi (CM3 module). we quite like the idea of being able to stream video to a flaschen taschen server but are unsure if our setup is up to the task.

Our custom PCB only has an ESP32 chip with an external aerial for network communication, which according to the datasheet has a theoretical maximum serial baud rate of 5Mbit/s - presumably this will be much lower if the ESP is alternating between communicating over WiFi and serial. A rough estimate of the bit rate we’d need (96x96 pixels x 3 channels/pixel x 8 bits/channel) yields just over 220,000 bits/frame, or 2.2Mbit/s for a measly 10 frames per second.

Is there a way to reduce the amount of data that needs to be sent while still maintaining viewability, or is this doomed to fail? Our fallback option is to upload files over WiFi then just use video-viewer, or perhaps add a USB-Ethernet converter.

honestly, you’re likely going to do have to do your own trial and error here. Obviously you could stream jpeg/mjpeg or even some compressed video format that is uncompressed real time by the video viewer, which on an rPI 4 might not be so bad.
I don’t dare recommending something silly like an NFS mount over wifi, and simply playing a video file remotely, but basically you have options :slight_smile: