Artnet Bridge needed!


Im trying to find an Artnet Bridge to use with Pixelpusher, the linked one on the is no behind a “staff authentication” wall and i cant get into it, does anyone have any recommendations? ive tried looking into OLA but it seems clunky and setup keeps crashing my Pi 3B+!


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me too!

Also commented in your other thread

See this site for e1.31 and also ArtNet version, looks like it needs update for newer version of python.

I have started trying to write my own version using the sACN library, but it’s a work in progress at the moment (e.g sync between universes)

Hi, I know it’s a bit late but I compiled the JAR and it’s dependencies from source. Hit me up if you’d like to still have it :slight_smile:

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I’ve been searching for the bridge for a long time now! Can you help me out @kayaemilia

Hi, I’ve also looked for it for a while prior. As I was a Java developer I came to the idea of compiling it and its dependencies from source.
Feel free to decompile it if you’re concerned about safety first.

Very cool! Thank you! I will certainly try this out!
I can already see the panels in QLC+ Artnet Device Tree.

Hello, maybe you managed to update for python3? Keep getting SyntaxError: Function parameters cannot be parenthesized…