Use different display on P1/P2/P3 regular board

I’m working sometimes on 128x64 displays and on 64x32, got PI3 and one display connected on P1 the other on P2. I do not want to chain or parallel I just want to be able to use one or other for testing without need to connect/reconnect each time
Of course I don’t want to use both displays at the same time. How to I setup the matrix to use P2 (or P3) instead of default P1?

honestly I don’t think the code supports this, you’d have to hack it to do so.
Or you can code around it, define a matrix that sends data to P1 and P2, but happens to send black only to P1
However, what I would personally do is just use different Pis for each of your tests, a bit more money, but easier