Trouble on First installation

Hi I’m trying to run the different demo and examples with this setup:

Raspberry PI4 + Adafruit RGB Matrix Bonnet for Raspberry PI
i’ve try with different options and combinations but I reach every try the same patterns but not the correct effect.

An example of parameters I used:
sudo ./demo -D0 --led-cols=64 --led-rows=32 --led-chain=2 --led-multiplexing=0 --led-brightness=1 --led-slowdown-gpio=4

This are two images

1 image > Two lines I see when I connect the two p5 HUB75 64x32 > c817a449-5f14-4c66-a794-efddc31d1142 — ImgBB
2 image > The patterns I see when I run the demos and examples > cbc5dc74-615e-4945-ac0f-65178b767d40 — ImgBB

Anyone can help me please to understand what’s wrong in my setup or process?

Thanks so mutch


Sorry for the slow reply, hard to know what panels you have, so you’d have to try all the multiplexing and addressing options, but I don’t see you having put the adafruit hat option in your command line options

try this
sudo ./demo -D -m 0 --led-no-hardware-pulse --led-gpio-mapping=regular --led-slowdown-gpio=2 --led-rows=32
–led-cols=64 --led-chain=2