Runs on boot but nothing is displayed

I am trying to recreate this github project matrix-dashboard/impl at master · allenslab/matrix-dashboard · GitHub with a rpi 4 model b.
I have managed to get the python code running via command line however the led display outputs nothing when the python program is run on boot.
I’ve tried rc.local, cron, having it run as a service, and each time the script logs its print statements as if the code is running normally however nothing is displayed on the led display and
THEN if I then run the program manually via command line, the led display is off color as if the script is running twice.

Any feedback on how to get the python program to run on boot would be appreciated.
P.S. the repo’s creator doesnt seem to be active on github which is why Im asking here.
I am using the regular hardware mapping and a 64x32 led matrix display.

This is the code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import queue
import sys, os, time, copy, inspect
from InputStatus import InputStatusEnum
from gpiozero import Button, RotaryEncoder
import configparser
from PIL import Image
import select

from apps import main_screen, notion_v2, gif_viewer, weather, life, spotify_player
from modules import weather_module, notification_module, spotify_module

sw = 13
enc_A = 5
enc_B = 6
tilt = 19

#open("RAN", "w")
def main():
	brightness = 100
	displayOn = True

	config = configparser.ConfigParser()
	parsed_configs ='./config.ini')
	if len(parsed_configs) == 0:
		print("no config file found")

	canvas_width = config.getint('System', 'canvas_width', fallback=64)
	canvas_height = config.getint('System', 'canvas_height', fallback=32)

	black_screen ="RGB", (canvas_width, canvas_height), (0, 0, 0))

	encButton = Button(sw, pull_up=True)
	inputStatusDict = {"value": InputStatusEnum.NOTHING}
	encButton.when_pressed = lambda button: encButtonFunc(button, inputStatusDict)

	encoderQueue = queue.Queue()
	encoder = RotaryEncoder(enc_A, enc_B)
	encoder.when_rotated_clockwise = lambda enc: rotate_clockwise(
	 enc, encoderQueue)
	encoder.when_rotated_counter_clockwise = lambda enc: rotate_counter_clockwise(
	 enc, encoderQueue)
	encoder_state = 0

	tilt_switch = Button(tilt, pull_up=True)
	isHorizontalDict = {
	 'value': True
	}  #=============================Change this tilt
	tilt_switch.when_pressed = lambda button: tilt_callback(
	 button, isHorizontalDict)
	tilt_switch.when_released = lambda button: tilt_callback(
	 button, isHorizontalDict)

	def toggle_display():
		nonlocal displayOn
		displayOn = not displayOn
		print("Display On: " + str(displayOn))

	def increase_brightness():
		nonlocal brightness
		brightness = min(100, brightness + 5)

	def decrease_brightness():
		nonlocal brightness
		brightness = max(0, brightness - 5)

	current_app_idx = 0

	def switch_next_app():
		nonlocal current_app_idx
		current_app_idx += 1

	def switch_prev_app():
		nonlocal current_app_idx
		current_app_idx -= 1

	callbacks = {
	 'toggle_display': toggle_display,
	 'increase_brightness': increase_brightness,
	 'decrease_brightness': decrease_brightness,
	 'switch_next_app': switch_next_app,
	 'switch_prev_app': switch_prev_app

	modules = {
	 'weather': weather_module.WeatherModule(config),
	 'notifications': notification_module.NotificationModule(config),
	 'spotify': spotify_module.SpotifyModule(config)

	app_list = [
	 main_screen.MainScreen(config, modules, callbacks),
	 notion_v2.NotionScreen(config, modules, callbacks),
	 weather.WeatherScreen(config, modules, callbacks),
	 #subcount.SubcountScreen(config, modules, callbacks),
	 gif_viewer.GifScreen(config, modules, callbacks),
	 life.GameOfLifeScreen(config, modules, callbacks),
	 spotify_player.SpotifyScreen(config, modules, callbacks)

	currentdir = os.path.dirname(
	parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
	sys.path.append(parentdir + "/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/bindings/python")
	from rgbmatrix import RGBMatrix, RGBMatrixOptions

	options = RGBMatrixOptions()
	options.rows = 32
	options.cols = 64
	options.chain_length = 1
	options.parallel = 1
	options.brightness = brightness
	#options.pixel_mapper_config = "U-mapper;Rotate:180"
	options.gpio_slowdown = 4
	options.pwm_lsb_nanoseconds = 80
	options.limit_refresh_rate_hz = 150
	options.hardware_mapping = 'regular'
	#options.disable_hardware_pulsing = True
	options.drop_privileges = False
	matrix = RGBMatrix(options=options)

	while (True):
		while (not encoderQueue.empty()):
			encoder_state += encoderQueue.get()
		if (encoder_state > 1):
			print("encoder increased")
			inputStatusDict['value'] = InputStatusEnum.ENCODER_INCREASE
			encoder_state = 0
		elif (encoder_state < -1):
			print("encoder decreased")
			inputStatusDict['value'] = InputStatusEnum.ENCODER_DECREASE
			encoder_state = 0

		inputStatusSnapshot = copy.copy(inputStatusDict['value'])
		inputStatusDict['value'] = InputStatusEnum.NOTHING

		isHorizontalSnapshot = copy.copy(isHorizontalDict['value'])

		while sys.stdin in[sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]:
			cmd = sys.stdin.readline()
			if cmd:
				print("detected: " + cmd)
				if cmd == 'SP\n':
					inputStatusSnapshot = InputStatusEnum.SINGLE_PRESS
				elif cmd == 'DP\n':
					inputStatusSnapshot = InputStatusEnum.DOUBLE_PRESS
				elif cmd == 'TP\n':
					inputStatusSnapshot = InputStatusEnum.TRIPLE_PRESS
				elif cmd == 'LP\n':
					inputStatusSnapshot = InputStatusEnum.LONG_PRESS
				elif cmd == 'EI\n':
					inputStatusSnapshot = InputStatusEnum.ENCODER_INCREASE
				elif cmd == 'ED\n':
					inputStatusSnapshot = InputStatusEnum.ENCODER_DECREASE

		frame = app_list[current_app_idx % len(app_list)].generate(
		 isHorizontalSnapshot, inputStatusSnapshot)
		if not displayOn:
			frame = black_screen

		#matrix.brightness = 100

def encButtonFunc(enc_button, inputStatusDict):
	start_time = time.time()
	time_diff = 0
	hold_time = 1

	while enc_button.is_active and (time_diff < hold_time):
		time_diff = time.time() - start_time

	if (time_diff >= hold_time):
		print("long press detected")
		inputStatusDict['value'] = InputStatusEnum.LONG_PRESS
		enc_button.when_pressed = None
		start_time = time.time()
		while (time.time() - start_time <= 0.3):
			if (enc_button.is_pressed):
				new_start_time = time.time()
				while (time.time() - new_start_time <= 0.3):
					if (enc_button.is_pressed):
						print("triple press detected")
						inputStatusDict['value'] = InputStatusEnum.TRIPLE_PRESS
						enc_button.when_pressed = lambda button: encButtonFunc(
						 button, inputStatusDict)
				print("double press detected")
				inputStatusDict['value'] = InputStatusEnum.DOUBLE_PRESS
				enc_button.when_pressed = lambda button: encButtonFunc(
				 button, inputStatusDict)
		print("single press detected")
		inputStatusDict['value'] = InputStatusEnum.SINGLE_PRESS
		enc_button.when_pressed = lambda button: encButtonFunc(
		 button, inputStatusDict)

def rotate_clockwise(encoder, encoderQueue):
	encoder.value = 0

def rotate_counter_clockwise(encoder, encoderQueue):
	encoder.value = 0

def tilt_callback(tilt_switch, isHorizontalDict):
	startTime = time.time()
	while (time.time() - startTime < 0.25):
	isHorizontalDict['value'] = tilt_switch.is_pressed

def reduceFrameToString(frame):
	res = frame.flatten()
	return ' '.join(map(str, res))

if __name__ == '__main__':
	except KeyboardInterrupt:
		print('Interrupted with Ctrl-C')