I am a 77 year old guy who is retired from the Computer industry. I first worked on computers in 1967 in the Navy. We programmed in a language called Jovial, but mostly in assembler on a lot of different machines. Then in 1972 I went to work at DEC in engineering and worked on PDP11 and VAX and then I moved to Hong Kong in 1989 to do systems engineering work for large customers all over Asia. Then I came back to the US in 1999 and by then we had got bought by Compaq and then HP so I wored on Linux systems in 2000 in HP. Then in 2007 I got an early retirement and went to work in Red Hat eventually running field marketing. Then I get laid off there and went to Acronis. And finally had medical issues and retired again and did part time consulting. Now I am retired in SoCal and spend days on photography, playing the flute and trying to model the stock market. and lately I got some really cheap rgb matrix panels and am having fun with them. I was using Python, but am starting to use C++. I worked on UNIX way back in the early 70’s and of course used a lot of C. C++ is new to me, but I know a bunch of languages so no big deal to pick it up.